About Us
They say the family that plays together stays together. I believe that is true. I would go one step further and also say that the family that reads together plays better together!
My Mission
It is my mission to reach as many families as I can with a simple message: reading books and sharing stories with our children is one of the most important things we can do to ensure their future success. I can help you take simple steps to establishing a “literacy routine” for your family through the resources on this site, or by consulting with you directly.
Why Literacy?
Just knowing how to read is certainly very important. But cultivating literacy is like exercising a muscle. If you don’t make reading or sharing stories a regular part of your daily life, that muscle will lose strength and flexibility. Even if you or your child are not book lovers, literacy habits can be woven into things that you already do, like storytelling, conversations, art work, music, etc. The best thing is to do something that already comes naturally to you and then see how a “literacy twist” can be easily incorporated.
Hi, I’m Jennine
It’s nice to meet you! I’m Jennine, a homeschooling mom of 2 wonderful and very energetic kids! I am a total book nerd and would talk books all day long if people would let me! In my early career, before the kids were born, I worked in the Children’s Division of HarperCollins Publishers. For over 9 years, I was a retail bookseller. My favorite part of that job was connecting with parents and kids and sharing my passion for stories and reading! And, I have to admit, being able to get down on the floor and play with kids while getting paid was pretty fantastic! I look forward to sharing all the things I have learned about how to get your family into a sweet “book spot!”
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